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Last reviews

Pandor ski noted

C'était super bon, vraiment (Translated by Google) It was really good, really

Oéna Love noted

Les makis sont très bon et consistant. Mention spéciale pour les california cheese rolls et california shake rolls, vraiment excellent! Sashimi saumon très bon aussi, et on sent le poisson bien frais ! Les brochettes boeuf fromage super bonne aussi, les brochettes poulet un peu décevante. Le cocktail « le bikini » est super bon, et frais, le cocktail « sex on the beach » un peu décevant, on ne sent pas l’alcool, et le goût sans trop d’intérêt. Seul bémol, nous sommes arrivés à 21h20, on nous a pas mal mis la pression pour la commande en venant plusieurs fois alors que nous n’avions toujours pas eu nos cocktails. Malgré tous, super repas, je conseil l’endroit ! (Translated by Google) The makis are very good and consistent. Special mention for the California cheese rolls and California shake rolls, really excellent! Salmon sashimi is also very good, and you can smell the fish very fresh! The beef and cheese skewers are also super good, the chicken skewers a little disappointing. The “bikini” cocktail is super good, and fresh, the “sex on the beach” cocktail a little disappointing, you don’t feel the alcohol, and the taste is not too interesting. The only downside was that we arrived at 9:20 p.m., and we were put under a lot of pressure to order by coming several times even though we still hadn't had our cocktails. Despite everything, great meal, I recommend the place!

Sabrina Llorente noted

Opening hours

  • Mon - Sat : 12h-14h, 19h-22h
  • Sun: Closed
  • Opens at 12:00

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70 Av. des Tabernottes
33370 Yvrac, France

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